Discovery Award Judges
See our illustrious panel for the 2019 Awards below!

The top 6 winners of the 2019 IndieReader Discovery Awards will be sent to Dystel, Goderich and Bourret Literary Management to be reviewed by these top New York City literary agents
Why does that matter? A literary agent may get 5,000 query letters a year. Only a fraction of these will lead to the agent requesting the manuscript. If you think about it, an agent reading one out of a hundred submissions must read 50 books every year!
Jane Dystel is the president of Dystel, Goderich and Bourret, a large literary management firm in New York City. She has worked her way up the publishing world, with agencies such as Bantam Books and Grosset & Dunlap in her portfolio. She has also been the Publisher of World Almanac Publications, where she created her own imprint.
Jane quickly developed a reputation for honesty, forthrightness, hard work, and real commitment to her authors and their writing careers. She founded Jane Dystel Literary Management, which became Dystel, Goderich and Bourret Literary Management in 2016.
Dystel, Goderich and Bourret bring an added level of prestige to the Discovery Awards, The best way to put your book in the hands of some of the most powerful people in publishing.
Discovery Awards Judges 2019
Joel Friedlander
Proprietor of Marin Bookworks, also known as “JFBookman.”
Joel Friedlander is an award-winning book designer, blogger, and writer. He speaks regularly at industry events and is the author of A Self-Publisher’s Companion and coauthor of The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide. The blogger behind TheBookDesigner, Joel is a columnist for Publishers Weekly, and was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 10 people to follow in book publishing. Joel also operates, where he provides predesigned interior book templates for Word and InDesign;, where authors find digital products to help in their marketing and business activities;, the only project planning tool specifically designed for indie authors; and, offering full service book production for authors and publishers.
Penny Sansevieri
Founder and CEO Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
Penny C. Sansevieri is a best-selling author and internationally recognized book marketing and media relations expert. She is an Adjunct Professor teaching Self-Publishing for NYU.
Her company is one of the leaders in the publishing industry and has developed some of the most innovative Social Media/Internet book marketing campaigns. She is the author of eighteen books, including How to Sell Your Books by the Truckload on Amazon, 5 Minute Book Marketing, and Red Hot Internet Publicity, which has been called the “leading guide to everything Internet.”
AME has had dozens of books top bestseller lists, including those of the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal.
To learn more about Penny’s books or her promotional services, you can visit her web site at
Karen Schechner
Senior Indie Editor, Kirkus Reviews
Karen is the senior Indie editor at Kirkus Reviews. Kirkus Indie reviews self-published titles to help consumers and industry influencers (publishers, agents, film producers, librarians, booksellers) discover books they may otherwise never find. Prior to Kirkus, Karen was the senior editor at the American Booksellers Association, where she worked with indie booksellers for nearly a decade. She is also a senior editor at the Lambda Literary Foundation.
Mercy Pilkington
Senior Editor, GoodeReader
Myra Forsberg
Indie Editor, Kirkus Reviews
From 1983 to 2015, Forsberg held various jobs in the Culture Department of The New York Times, including Weekend Section Editor, Deputy Culture Editor, and Classical Music and Dance Editor.
Phil Leo
Partner/PM Images
Phil Leo has been a partner in PM Images for eighteen years. In that time, Phil and his partner, Michael Denora, have created hundreds of images, licensed through Getty Images, which have been used for the covers of internationally bestselling books, including Sheryl Sandberg’s latest title, Option B.
Sandra Poirier Diaz
President/Smith PR
Maria D’Marco
Editor, Reedsy
Maria is a professional book editor, specializing in developmental & ‘heavy’ copy edits of manuscripts ranging from raw first drafts to material that has survived several iterations & editorial ‘beatings’.